Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Piscis Austrinus (PsA)  ·  Contains:  Solar system body or event
C/2021 A1 Leonard - Comet in Piscis Austrinus - 2022-01-02 19:28 UT - IAS Remote Test - v1, Martin Junius
C/2021 A1 Leonard - Comet in Piscis Austrinus - 2022-01-02 19:28 UT - IAS Remote Test - v1
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C/2021 A1 Leonard - Comet in Piscis Austrinus - 2022-01-02 19:28 UT - IAS Remote Test - v1

C/2021 A1 Leonard - Comet in Piscis Austrinus - 2022-01-02 19:28 UT - IAS Remote Test - v1, Martin Junius
C/2021 A1 Leonard - Comet in Piscis Austrinus - 2022-01-02 19:28 UT - IAS Remote Test - v1
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C/2021 A1 Leonard - Comet in Piscis Austrinus - 2022-01-02 19:28 UT - IAS Remote Test - v1



Acquisition details



IAS - Internationale Amateuersternwarte e.V. - Hakos Observatory, Namibia
Yet another test of IAS remote telescope "Klein-Lukas"
Remote team: F. Hund, J. Obstfelder, L. Demetz, M. Mushardt, T. Klemmer, T. Winterer, M. Junius

Six days later, one day to perihel. Hopefully this doesn't get to boring. ;-)

A few artifacts from processing probably need some more attention, maybe a v2 if time permits. Video animation in preparation, and new data from Jan 3rd, stay tuned.
